Are You a Seeker? Understanding Your Quest for Fulfilment

Ever wondered if you're a seeker? Many people who feel unfulfilled at work are on a quest for something deeper. Let's explore what it means to be a seeker.

Hey there! Let me share a moment from my own story…

I was sitting on a couch at a friend’s place, feeling utterly lost in my career direction. on the outside I looked like I had it all going on, and on the inside I felt like my life was slowly going to waste. I had so much more potential inside that I wanted to contribute in some yet unknown way.

I had this sudden epiphany late at night: “my thoughts are not my own.” 

It was a revelation that everything I had been taught about creating a better life—whether from family, school, or media culture—wasn't working for me. I had followed all the advice, worked hard, been a decent person, and all I knew what this was not it. What ever ‘it’ was, I knew there had to be more to life than this.

With this moment of epiphany I realised I was seeking something outside myself when, in reality, I needed to know myself better.

I was searching for my own identity, my own rules, my true destiny.

The Universal Quest for Fulfilment

Being a seeker is a common experience, especially for those contemplating a career shift or questioning whether to start a business and work for yourself. You might feel an inner drive to find something more meaningful, but how exactly you do that is often unclear. 

I used to think I was searching for something external—like the perfect job or business idea—but I soon discovered that the real journey was inward. I needed to understand who I truly was and what I desired to experience in my work-life.

So many people post online asking others to give them ideas about what jobs they could do instead.  The truth is no one else can tell you, it needs to come from within.  

The Mission Impact Method gives you the step by step process to follow so that you finally have a direction you can move forward with.  One that helps you see more ideal options than you ever realised were possible.

The Role of Work in Finding Meaning

Your work can be a powerful source of meaning and fulfilment, but only if it aligns with who you are. This is where the difference between a job and a calling becomes crucial. 

A job is something you do for money, but a calling is something you do because it aligns with your deepest potential and what is most important to you. 

Understanding this distinction can transform your entire approach to work.

Redefining Success

Step 2 in the Mission Impact Method shows you how to define your unconventional version of success. Based on thoughts that are your own. This means moving beyond the survival mindset that tells you to focus on short-term security and instead embracing a thriving mindset that encourages us to pursue our true desires. Here's how you can start:

Traditional metrics of success—like salary, title, and prestige—are often imposed by society. But true success is personal. According to Maslow’s motivational theory, it's about ‘being’ values.  What might make you feel fulfilled and proud may be linked to ideas of:  Wholeness, Perfection, Completion, Justice, Aliveness, Richness, Simplicity, Beauty, Goodness, Uniqueness, Effortlessness, Playfulness, Truth, Self-sufficiency .

Take the time to write down what success means to you. For example I really value being my most authentic, awake, and alive self (wholeness & aliveness), contributing to a just, inclusive, and sustainable society (Justice), gathering in fun and relaxed ways with small groups of people and especially if it’s in nature or involves human things like the arts and story telling (Playfulness & Simplicity). The more I am being this way, the more successful I am.

I ask myself how can I create more of that experience today? More often than not there’s way to do that in the present rather than the future. Even small steps will help uplift you.

Facing the Fear of Failure

Redefining success can be scary. The fear of failure can hold you back from pursuing meaningful work. So here’s the thing: thoughts of failure are all part of the natural process. When you make big life shifts your patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting, and being need to come into alignment.

You’re in that liminal space of the old story having been released and the the new story of you having not arrived yet. Learning to let yourself be in the messy middle is vital.

The fear is of getting stuck there, drowning in it, staying lost. That only happens when you don’t have a process to follow. Instead of thinking about moving way from the overwhelming and anxiety inducing fear of failure, it’s useful to start thinking about moving towards connection, desires, passions, hopes, and dreams, in this present moment.

Think of it like this: a great scientist doesn’t just come up with an idea in isolation. They do research, gather data, and test hypotheses. They learn from what doesn’t work and refine their approach. Similarly, in your quest for a meaningful work-life, it’s about trying things out, learning quickly, and iterating. I like to call it “test and learn” rather than “fail fast.”

That’s more of an invitation to become a scientist of the self and the systems you operate within.  It’s more supportive, informed, and safe.

It’s about recognising that of course you’re seeking a new direction because you’ve grown and developed. It’s also about noticing that doing things differently is how you get different results in your life. Plus it’s natural to wonder if you have the emotional and practical resilience to do this, the confidence only comes after you’ve started moving in the direction of your dream work-life.


If you’re feeling like a seeker, know that you’re on the right path. The process of creating a fulfilling work-life begins with understanding yourself and defining success on your own, perhaps unconventional, terms. It’s about shifting from survival patterns to one’s that allows you to truly thrive in all the ways that are just right for you.

Want to dive deeper?  Read the next blog, where we'll dive into moving through the dark night of the soul. Until then, keep exploring and stay curious! Or go from the start of this 6 part blog series.

Let's make your work-life something you're fulfilled and excited by every single day.


Will Your Dark Night of the Soul Ever End? Embracing Transformation


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